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Event Series Free Thursdays at the KIA

Free Thursdays at the KIA

Kalamazoo Institute of Arts 314 S Park St, Kalamazoo

Enjoy free general admission and extended hours until 8pm on Thursdays, thanks to generous support provided by Art Bridges Foundation’s Access for All program and the Efroymson Family Fund.

Wine and Truffle Pairing

Sit and Stay Winery 260 East Michigan Avenue, Kalamazoo

The best of both worlds wine and truffles. Locally made Convections with convictions truffles will be paired with our sensational wines. $25.00 per person. Email to register.

Artful Evening: Artist’s Talk with Kelly Church

Kalamazoo Institute of Arts 314 S Park St, Kalamazoo

Meet artist Kelly Church, an Ottawa/Pottawatomi black ash basket maker, fiber artist, educator, activist, and culture keeper. A member of the Gun Lake Band in Michigan and descendent of the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Ojibwe, she comes from an unbroken line of black ash basket makers and from the largest black ash weaving […]

Event Series All the Natalie Portmans

All the Natalie Portmans

Gilmore Theatre Complex 1351 Theatre Drive, Kalamazoo

By C.A. Johnson Sixteen-year-old Keyonna and her older brother Samuel live on the brink of eviction while dreaming of a better tomorrow. Too smart, “too gay” and too lonely to […]

Candlelight: Valentine’s Day Special

Kalamazoo Nonprofit Advocacy Coalition 315 West Michigan Avenue, Kalamazoo

⭐ Candlelight concerts bring the magic of a live, multi-sensory musical experience to awe-inspiring locations like never seen before in Kalamazoo. Get your tickets now to discover the music of Valentine’s Day […]